Tips for Success
Based upon our 20+ years of experience with addiction treatment, we know what it takes to succeed in your recovery.
We want everyone who comes to Canyon Vista to become a success story. Use the tips below to help you achieve sobriety.

Work Hard
This is your recovery. You’re only going to get better if you take it seriously and give it your all. We’re here to help you in every way possible, but much of the work still has to come from within.
Keep your end goal in mind whenever you’re having a tough time or day, and you will have tough days. Remember that these days mean you’re making progress. It’s what you do when you encounter these obstacles, and how you use the tools we provide you, that define your recovery.
You deserve to get better. You deserve your new life. Keep your head down, stick with the tested program that we cater to you, and you will succeed.
Inspire and Be Inspired
Use other success stories for inspiration, but also know that you can be one yourself. Your own determination and positive attitude will help to alter your brain’s chemistry. But, when you are in the early stages of sobriety, you will not yet produce these chemicals.
To achieve this addiction-fighting brain activity, you need that inspiration. There is no one place to find it, but often, you can look to your family. Maybe it’s your children, your parents, your siblings, your friends. Look to them to be your guiding light and motivation.
Put your learning into action and make the decision to live in recovery every day. Remind yourself that this is the most important thing you can do right now. Each day will be another step forward, whether it’s a good day or not. Stay the course.
Your journey will inspire those around you while you find inspiration in your community. You’re all in this together.
Do The Next Right Thing
Making small changes can completely alter the course of your life. It starts with your daily habits and choices. Do the next right thing in front of you, whether you feel like it or not.
If you make a bad decision, it will spiral into more. But if you make a good decision, and build a new, healthy habit, you’ll change your life.
It’s hard! And harder to see progress day by day. But you have to stick with it. Soon enough, you’ll look back and see that these small, daily changes have had a huge impact on your overall recovery.
This is how you practice recovery. Do the next right thing. Then, do it again. Keep doing it.
Find The Right Treatment Program
Recognize that treatment programs are not all the same. That’s what we preach here at Canyon Vista Recovery Center.
Since you’re looking to gain sobriety, seek help from a highly experienced and successful organization whose staff is passionate about helping you achieve your mission. This organization should not only help you recover, but also offer ongoing support following your completion of the program, including a thriving alumni base to show their success rate.
It is important that you agree with the approach of the treatment program set before you. If you hate it, if you don’t fit into the box the organization has in place, you won’t succeed. Instead, find a program that is catered to your specific needs.
If you are interested in the Canyon Vista approach to addiction treatment, please give us a call. We’re here to help you build your own success story.